Will the Anesthesiologist of the future be designed by Artificial Intelligence?
By Bouarroudj Noreddine. MD
Will the Anesthesiologist of the future be designed by Artificial Intelligence or will be the result of a natural evolution ?On the picture below you can see an Anesthetist designed by Artificial Intelligence.It s clear and obvious that this images processed by AI can really inspire researchers and engineers and have an impact on the evolution of the anesthesia practice.This is a topic of pivotal importance an is still an area of active research.One of the first papers that was published : Artificial intelligence research in anesthesia and intensive care. Journal of Clinical Monitoring in 1988 on the Journal of Clinical Monitoring(1). Rennels, G. D and co have outlined a set of research projects that are beginning to confront problems in the areas o f anesthesiology and intensive care and poses a number of practical challenges.Recently Mathis and co published a topic concerning Artificial Intelligence for Anesthesia.More than Black Magic for the Art of the Dark The paper highlight the machine learning (2) : “…machine learning properties include an ability to capture…variables…[called] model features…[too numerous for humans] to perceive or simultaneously consider…[and] the ability…to model complex relationships between model features which otherwise eclipse human understanding.”Another area of anesthesia that can be improved by AI is USGRA Ultrasound Guided Anesthesia.In fact AI can assist anesthetists to Identify anatomical structures on ultrasound (3).Ultimately : « Will the Anesthesiologist of the future be designed by Artificial Intelligence or will be the result of a natural evolution ?« In the light of the technological advances related to artificial intelligence only time will tell but honestly think so.
2.Mathis, M. R., Kheterpal, S., & Najarian, K. (2018). Artificial Intelligence for Anesthesia. Anesthesiology, 1. doi:10.1097/aln.000000000000238
3.Bowness, J., Varsou, O., Turbitt, L., & Burkett‐St Laurent, D. (2021). Identifying anatomical structures on ultrasound: assistive artificial intelligence in ultrasound‐guided regional anesthesia. Clinical Anatomy, 34(5), 802–809. doi:10.1002/ca.23742